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    Bush grounded for skipping exam, record shows
    By Matt Kelley
    October 6, 2004 - 10:09AM
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    It's how them yankies choose thar Presy-dants!
    The more the Christian you are the more crooked you are!

    "More than a week after a court-imposed deadline to turn over all records of US President George W Bush's military service, the Texas Air National Guard belatedly produced two documents today that include Bush's orders for his last day of active duty in 1973.

    The orders show Bush was on "no-fly" status for his last days of duty because he had been grounded almost a year earlier for skipping an annual medical exam.

    The files, released to The Associated Press under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, are orders for Bush to appear for two stints of active-duty training: a 1971 exercise in Canada and eight days of duty in July 1973.

    The records released today are the fifth set of documents related to Bush's Vietnam-era National Guard service to be released in response to the AP lawsuit. .... blah, blah, blah!"
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