Our boy's in full tilt at the moment. These coronavirus type...

  1. 6,708 Posts.
    Our boy's in full tilt at the moment. These coronavirus type events give them such hope in the demise of humanity and must be a boon for such fear based, doomsday belief systems.

    How can anybody debate somebody who has been led to believe that their religious members are going to rule the earth with Jesus. That's 2IC, the only job after that is to be the head honcho and like, create your own universes and stuff. The only problem they have is that many more than 144,000 JWs have put their hand up and claimed to be one of the 144,000. That's really awkward. Maybe God can make another universe so there's no fighting over positions. I guess the self appointing system has its limitations seeing as how you have to let your ego off the chain to believe this stuff in the first place.

    Mormons get their own planet, it must be an American thing. They love to rule and what better way to get people in than to tell them they might get to rule a planet, or rule with Jesus.

    Of course the kicker is. "They won't go willingly." The JW are ready to fight with the concourse on high to subdue and replace man's misrule. I wonder if there have been any moments of misrule in JW history? They did a great job with the pedophilia in their midst. Over a 1000 cases and none reported in Australia. They built a mansion for the Prophets of old to resurrect and live in. That was not so bad because their illustrious leader got to live in the mansion while he waited. They've called the end of the world a few times and it will, if not today then for sure in a few billion years.

    So I don't see any problems with JW ruling, they have done a bang-up job so far.
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