@Joannie - thanks - but I have had my surprise, more like a new...

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    @Joannie - There were/are reasons, you have not understood, but I do not wish to bring this over here; I have also experienced great trauma, which made me want to die, and apart from you, no-one on that threat ever took the time to think of that - I have recovered brilliantly - have new real life friends - one of them a brilliant musician/singer.
    I do think of you fondly, and I am so, so sorry! XXX
    Go well

    @Joannie - thanks - but I have had my surprise, more like a new love, but not quite - it is totally amazing . . . and I am full of energy again, and will put my energy again into the 'book' and 'paintings' - lost interest in everything for a while . . . Also @NoBoDe will be visiting - so I have lots of work to do, and I have the energy to do it - maybe NBD is the surprise?
    Thanks for your kind thoughts - and
    Have a good day

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