Jonathan111, great post, I would be very happy to share my...

  1. 281 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 28
    great post, I would be very happy to share my story, it is vital to get the truth out there! Of course some will say that there are 2 sides to every story but in the end I think people will be able to see that there has been a big change in the family culture which when you take a hard look at it, is very scary, immoral and very unfair as far as the legal system is concerned. The over rated phrase "we do what we do because it is in the best interest of the children" is a huge lie! You don't have to be a cheater, alcoholic or gambler these days to be the bad husband/father. You simply have a different point of view or you don't jump high enough when asked to, is enough to get you divorced. Then, you as a person become someone with a dark side, aggressive and abusive. When "she who must be obeyed" (shakes head) does not get what she and a her family want from you then you become obsolete, she has out grown you, time to move on. No consideration for the pain and damage caused to you or your children! Unfortunately it does not end there, even after the divorce. Out of revenge she will do anything in her power to belittle you, manipulate your children to turn them against you, rote the system so she can get as much money as possible out of you in child support and out of centrelink. It is a lose lose situation for the men these days, many lives have been destroyed, no wonder why so many choose to end it or pack their bags and go as far away as possible.
    Is it worth it hanging around and putting up with all the misery inflicted upon you by another pathetic/crazy human being (let's call it that) and an over stressed, bias and unfair legal system? I am starting to have my doubts, after all I only have one life and unless I have taken somebody's life away I shouldn't have mine taken away from me!

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