He acknowledged that his stand on Lynas' operations had changed and that he had a chest to accept the fact that his negative perception of the plant was incorrect.

Andansura said he opposed the opening of the Lynas plant in 2012 based on historical data and other experiences related to the effects of a previous rare earth refinery in Bukit Merah, Perak and a radiation leak that occurred in Fukushima, Japan following an earthquake and tsunami.

"But the government at that time continued until Lynas was in operation and we had to accept that the plant was already there.

Then we have to see what the effect is.

"I have been monitoring myself from time to time since the first year and there has been no change in the environment for water, air and land. It's been seven years and I have discovered that I may have made a mistake in the first place," he said when met by reporters after joining the Prime Minister's program. and the Prayer of Prayer organized by Lynas at the Sultan Ahmad Shah 1 State Mosque here last night.

In conjunction with the program, about 1,500 congregations held solemn prayers to ask for ease of business.

Lynas is able to operate as normal as possible and provide guidance to those who are concerned about the existence of the company.

The program began with a Maghrib prayer, a welcome speech by Lynas representatives, followed by a speech by State Mosque Imam Datuk Badli Shah Alauddin and guest speaker Zul Ramli M. Razali entitled 'Defamation, The Last Disaster.'

Andansura, who has been representing the people of Beserah, a suburb of Lynas since 2013, believes that many of those who opposed the plant's opening had a wrong perception about it.

He, who is also deputy state commissioner, hoped his former colleagues opposed the Lynas operation to return to the reality that it was not what it was supposed to be.

"The previous remarks were just assumptions and created misconceptions. I hope everyone treated all investors fairly and not just put pressure on Lynas.

"The existence of Lynas has also had a significant impact on the socioeconomic status of the locals by creating about 1,000 job opportunities excluding downstream businesses in the area," he said. - ONLINE message