Jacqui Dwyer, Head of Information Department, RBA, delivers a...

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    Jacqui Dwyer, Head of Information Department, RBA, delivers a speech focusing on the disparity of participation between Women and Men in the discipline of Economics.
    Link - https://www.rba.gov.au/speeches/2022/sp-so-2022-09-28.html

    Opening two paragraphs:

    "In many dimensions of our lives, there is increasing recognition of the importance of diversity. In addition to the social inclusion it fosters, diversity enriches the quality of inquiry, problem solving and decision-making by bringing more views to the table. Consequently, we now expect to see diversity in our workplaces, on our boards and among decision-makers more generally. When it is not evident, we ask why.

    The economics profession is increasingly asking why it is not more diverse. We can start looking for answers by examining a person's formal introduction to economics – their initial enrolment in economics as a subject. In Australia, economics was once widely offered and widely chosen but is now much less so. Consequently, over the course of a generation, there has been a dramatic fall in the size and diversity of the economics student population – both at school and university."


    Perhaps, instead of devoting its' resources to inconsequential research as to why the two (2) sexes will largely choose particular professions/areas of study over others, the Reserve Bank of Australia (and Australians) would benefit from focusing on Sound Monetary Policy, and seeking to uphold its' mandate set out in the Reserve Bank Act 1959.


    haha just joshing ya,

    Central Banks do not, never have, and never will work for the Citizenry,
    and are solely in the business of impoverishing the very people they are deemed to protect,
    through entirely orchestrated financial turmoil events that leave every-day, working class folk in utter dire straits,
    while benefiting their own pockets and insider-mates,
    who don't give a flippin' rats about you or me.
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