RVR 0.00% 7.3¢ red river resources limited

a new nickel belt? , page-4

  1. 11,525 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1158
    G'day Shadders, not surprised to see this junior has popped up on your radar LOL,like you my interest in their ground dates back 18 months to research I did then on SGQ.I have never had a problem with their ground potential....it was the former management that was the problem,as soon as I saw they were all gone as was Iron Mountain Mining I eagerly awaited news from the new management.They have certainly hit the ground running when it comes to their recent acquisition of a number of tenements in the area.Some nice blocks IMHO.
    Anyway I look forward to your comments and thoughts once you have had a chance to lift the bonnet and kick the tyres on this one.I am interested to hear your thoughts on the block to the northwest of RVR's existing granted block E39/1686. It seems to me like there may be a rather large bullseye magnetic anomaly on that block.
    Check out Diorite Hill as well,I am rather keen on that ground because of the 5km+ they have of the basal contact between the greenstones and the ultramafics.
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