I think you are a LIBERAL staffer, probably on triple time today."
---------------------------------------- well the truth is you think wrong, again just like you think of so many things, when you see a truck and trailer, you think you see two trucks, when you think that these LABOR people are heaven sent, you think wrong again
FYI I am the voter all parties dislike most the swinging voter
I look at all sides, look at all the b/s and lies ALL the partys produce, collect all the printed material I can get my hands on and read it and maybe look a little deeper than most and THEN decide which is the best party to vote for and this time it is not the LABOR Party they have failed, totally failed Australia
and therefore they will be destroyed for all time come the next electon, Labor will be just something school kids will read about and ask, how could a great party, with great ideas and concepts for Australia go so very wrong that the voters cast them adrift on the sea of nowhere
of course the answer is the unions
now if you think I work for the LIBS then thank you as my written message must have a sting that hurts the soul of you poor lost LABOR Party Staffers
LABOR RIP you can run you can hide you can pay CT all you want but the voters of Australia will find you and then destroy you