a one-term president

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    A One-Term President
    by Emanuel A. Winston
    Jun 16, '04

    President George W. Bush, like his father George Herbert Walker Bush, who during his presidency cursed the Jewish nation, has sentenced himself to become a one-term president. I've heard many pro-Israel Jews claim that this President Bush is "one of the best friends Israel has". I agree, he smiles pleasantly when he delivers his orders for Israel to dismantle and follow his Road Map to perdition.

    Somewhere near the start of this George Bush presidency, I saw similar traits as those his father exhibited and I forecast then that he would likely be a one-term president.

    Recent polls indicate that Bush ranges between neck-and-neck with John Kerry, while other polls show him several points behind. I do not look forward to a Kerry presidency and I had hoped that the younger Bush would continue on - insofar as he pledges to fight global terrorism. Regrettably, Bush fell back into the old mode of his father by attempting to appease Saudi Arabia and the other Arab Muslim oil nations by initiating the dismemberment of the Jewish State of Israel.

    Bush introduced his Road Map in his June 2002 speech - which was dangerously revised by the Arabist US State Department, together with the anti-Israel United Nations, the anti-Semitic European Union and Russia (whose history is red with Jewish pogroms). Since the Quartet re-invented the Road Map, with no objection from Bush, the pressure from the White House and the State Department has increased exponentially. The need for a political win in the Middle East to offset the losses in Iraq has become more important than preserving the Jewish State of Israel.

    The weak leadership in Israel started to bend and finally broke under the unending threats from the Bush Administration to re-partition the tiny Jewish State on its way to extinction. The pro-Arab US State Department has been working toward this goal ever since the Land of Israel was partitioned by the UN in 1947 (against the strenuous objections of the State Department). The day Israel falls (G-d forbid), be assured that champagne will literally flow down the halls of the State Department.

    Bush, following his father's lead in practice, allowed State to unleash its anti-Israel dogs to attack the Jewish State with every tool and propaganda mechanism in its large inventory. Washington has long known that neither Israel nor the US could pacify the Arab Muslim Palestinian terrorists or the supporting Arab Muslim nations.

    If they did not really know before 9/11, followed by the American and allied attack against the Taliban in Afghanistan and then in Iraq against the monster, Saddam Hussein, they must certainly know it now. There is no pacification of Islamist Jihadists - no matter what you offer them by way of appeasement, including the deaths and wounding of Americans fighting to save them from tyranny, or even the sacrifice of Israel.

    America learned that the 56-plus years the Muslim terrorists have been fighting Israel is not just a single aberration of hostility to Jews. Now they've learned that the hatred also includes the Christian West. They experience it daily in Iraq, as Muslims from all over the Arab world come through Syria to join Iraqis in killing American soldiers. They are also killing, bombing, ambushing the civilian construction workers who are trying to restore electricity, water, security and other civil services to the Iraqi people.

    The headlines June 14th read: "In Race to Give Power to Iraqis, Electricity Lags: U.S. Falls Short of Goal for Reviving Output". This outrageous story appears the same day 13 civilian construction workers (including one American, one Briton, two Frenchmen) were car-bombed to death.(1) This was the day after 13 Iraqis, including four Iraqi police officers, were blown up in separate car bombs in Baghdad.

    American good-will attempts to appease the Iraqis through winning their hearts and minds by providing these services simply do not work to prevent their Muslim terrorist attacks against "The Great Satan" (their name for America). Now the Bush Administration is desperately trying to find a way out and, like his father, is perfectly willing to offer up Israel ("The Little Satan") as a sacrifice.

    Knowing all this about Arabs, Muslims, radical Muslims, Islamists, Jihadists, Bush has turned on Israel as his own political solution - using force against her weak leadership to create a false win in the Bush Plan to democratize the Middle East. So, he took the only democracy and advanced civilization in the Middle East, the only country in world who votes with America consistently in the UN, and began to force her dissolution. He was determined to create what he knows will inevitably be an International Terror State for the Arab Muslim Palestinians, in order to show the hostile Arab nations that he is their friend and collaborator. He is going to not only shrink Israel beyond her present vulnerable, minuscule size, but insure that the only productive people in the Middle East (the Jews) are forced from their ancient homeland.

    Thus began a landslide of threats to the weak government of Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. The threats were credible, since Israel relies upon her "friend and ally" for spare parts, trade and hopefully a vote in the corrupt United Nations, as a voice of reason against the always hostile Europeans so closely allied with the oil-bearing Arab/Muslim nations.

    With all that in mind, I repeat the oft-stated injunction of HaShem (G-d): "I will bless those who bless you; and curse those who curse you."

    The Bush Dynasty has cursed the Jewish nation and allied themselves with Israel's most dedicated Arab and Muslim enemies. I ignore the self-serving gestures, smiles and nice speeches used for political cover to persuade his Christian Right Coalition and Jews that Bush is a friend of the Jewish people and nation. It's not what they say (or how nicely they say it), it's what they do. I recall the reported phone conversation between the elder Bush and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, wherein Bush assured the Saudi king, "...not to worry. My son will take care of you." And so he has.

    Presently, Bush and Sharon are ethnically cleansing the land that G-d promised to the Jewish people. May they and theirs be cursed to wander homeless as they have cursed the Jews. Let no man raise their hand against these consummately dangerous leaders, for they are tamei (unclean).

    We do not know how they and the nations who are gathering against Israel (as predicted) will be punished. They are now before the Universal Court and will be judged. I only regret that the punishment must be shared by good people who stand near them. We read in the Torah about the traitor, Korach, who challenged Moses and G-d Himself in the desert, only to have the earth open its mouth and swallow Korach and all who stood near him. A Universal ruling is long overdue for the nations and the peoples who have cursed the Jews and the Jewish nation.

    At the end of Shacharit (Jewish morning prayers), there is a closing line of thought: "Do not fear the sudden terror, nor the destruction of the wicked. Contrive a scheme, but it will be foiled. Conspire a plot, but it will not materialize, for G-d is with us."

    In righteous anger, I have often reminded HaShem of the nations and the leaders who have savaged the Jewish people and His promise of just retribution. I've spoken to Him about the capitols of Germany, France, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Iraq.... I've spoken to Him about the kings, prime ministers, dictators and presidents who deserve to be eliminated in a plague, or, at least, to suffer great pain on this earth. I even included the non-Jewish Jews who are betraying the Jewish people.

    Perhaps G-d is listening (he is.....don't worry about that, he is......Snooker) and will keep His Promise of cursing all those who curse His anointed people.


    1) "In Race to Give Power to Iraqis, Electricity Lags: U.S. Falls Short of Goal for Reviving Output" by James Glanz, New York Times, June 14, 2004.
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