A picture tells 1000 words, page-16

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    It seems the photo is just a propaganda tool used by those to who want to demonize others and promote hate, and they don't appear to be shy about using BS to push their agenda.

    So Ezra Levant owes these seven migrant men an apology

    «A group of migrants walk on the road near a border line between Serbia and Croatia, near the village of Berkasovo, Serbia, Monday, Oct. 19, 2015. Tension was building among thousands of migrants as they remained stranded in fog and cold weather in the Balkans on Sunday in their quest to reach a better life in Western Europe, two days after Hungary closed its border with Croatia and the flow of people was redirected to a much slower route via Slovenia. (AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic)»

    That’s… all there is.

    Notice that there’s no mention of these migrants being muslim, of the people in the photograph knowing each other or of the men purposefully not helping out the woman.

    Thankfully, there exists this thing called «journalism». We therefore don’t need to make uninformed assumptions about a photograph; we can actually talk to people who were there that day when the picture was taken and ask them about what was going on.

    Tracking down that woman would probably be next to impossible, but we can do the next best thing: we can get in touch with the serbian photographer who snapped the pic, Darko Vojinovic, who was there that day (d’uh) and who is a much better source than Mr. Levant to tell us what was going on.

    After a few days and a few emails (yeah, journalism takes a lot more effort than making a story up and tweeting about it), the AP forwarded us an email from Mr. Vojinovic. Here it is (his words are in black):

    So to recap: the men probably didn’t know the woman, and possibly didn’t even speak her language. They passed her by on the street while walking to a checkpoint and didn’t offer to help her out with her kids. Also, according to the photographer, in these difficult conditions migrants from different countries tend to stay away from each other and mind their own business.

    Here’s a question for men: how often do you stop women you don’t know on the street to offer to help them out with their children?

    Here’s a question for moms: how often do you ask complete strangers to help you carry your kids?

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