(Edited) JFK Speech on Secret...

  1. 79 Posts.
    (Edited) JFK Speech on Secret Societies:

    Amongst other things JFK:
    1) Issued Executive Order 11110 (which many believe was the first step of many necessary to disempower the US Federal Reserve & those that benefit from the USFRS).
    2) Rejected the Operation Northwoods proposal & fired the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
    3) Began the neutralisation of the CIA beginning with the purging of all Skull & Bonesmen (eg Allen Dulles) from the ranks of the CIA & intended to remove those belonging to that secret society from all positions of representative, legislative & judicial authority.
    4) Was a (US) constitutionalist, believed in a global community WITH soveriegn rights & identity, was a Jeffersonian logician, sincerely believed in proper environmental custodianship & was anti monopolistic-economic protectionism, (all of which RFK embraced with more passion).
    5) Firmly opposed the earliest attempts at Continuity of Government (COG) mechanisms.
    6) Was a giant obstacle to the 'build-up' of the US & European military industrial complex of the sixties.
    7) Firmly opposed any activities or extensions of Operation Mockingbird in any form (re Church Commitee investigations).
    8) Believed in the principles of liberty & individualism.

    Full (unedited) speech Pt1 & Pt2:

    Presidents Give Dire Warnings of New World Order:

    NB- Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader & Chuck Baldwin are non CFR players.

    To understand:
    America is being intentionally & strategically desovereignised (from within) in order to facilitate global monopolostic control mechanisms that we can define as;
    1) Collectivist.
    2) Fascist.
    3) Oligarchial.
    4) Plutocratic.
    5) Authoritarian.

    Barack Obama is the globalist 'good guy' to perform the economic & social (constitutional) Coup de grace to American soveriegnty.
    If you have query of this statement, really investigate a guy called Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski & the Trilateral Commission, Brzezinskis' role to uber uber geo-strategy & socio-economics of the last 30+ years, then investigate his role to Obama & ask yourself who picked who & what that answer means on a dimensional sense ...

    Apathy, ignorance, indifference, disassociation is not excusable at this crossroad of sociological weight when we consider our responsabilities to generations past & present - once the biggest sovereign tree of liberty goes down, well ...

    This is actually a multi-generational open conspiracy (war of ideologies & class control) coming to fruition & it should scare the absolute crap out of everyone ...


    Apologies if any content appears padagogical in delivery or position, (certainly not the intention), enough for now though - warm regards & best wishes to all ...

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