a poke in the eye of creationist fiction, page-6

  1. 13,771 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    Wellsaid watso & now big busimess & religion are all about making money with odd little charity give away to do the 'feel good thing'

    god uses the humble and contrite to confound the wise.


    christianity altho new testament was founded by christs followers - all jews


    so there is a defnite link and continuity not only thro the jews but also throughout the old and new testaments.


    Words & frequencies can influence DNA - this is much more profound than the 'creation' of a simple wheel. Words & frequencies can influence DNA - who is playing God? We are by our thoughts & vibrations.Cause & effect - worth thinking about!!
    DNA Can Be Influenced And Reprogrammed By Words And Frequencies=20

    Russian DNA Discoveries
    SPIRITUAL SCIENCE: DNA is influenced by words and frequencies
    By Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf


    .......& in conclusion

    In the New Testament: Most every Bible reader knows something about "Cruder's Concordance" and most Bible students have a copy of it. The author of that concordance, Alexander Cruden, says: "The Jews are always spoken of in the New Testament as the twelve tribes, never as two, and Ezra 6:17 certainly indicates that they were thus considered at the time of the Return." This verdict of scholarship is found in Cruden's Concordance under the heading of "Tribes." But Anglo-Israelites have the audacity to assert that no apostle— not one was a Jew. The apostles were Israelites, they say, not Jews.

    What does the New Testament itself say about it? Who are Israelites in the New Testament use of the word? Does the New Testament make a difference between a "fleshly Jew" and a fleshly "Israelite"? In answer to these questions, the following parallels are submitted:

    1. John preached repentance to the Jews "of Judea"—Mark 1:4-5.
    But John preached "repentance to all people of Israel" Acts 13:24.

    2. Nicodemus was "a ruler of the Jews"—John 3:1.
    But Nicodemus was "a master of Israel" John 3:10.

    3. Paul the apostle was "a Jew of Tarsus"—Acts 21 :39.
    But Paul the apostle was also "an Israelite"—Rom. 11:1.

    4. Paul called the Jews his own nation—Gal. 1:13-14.
    But Paul called Israel his nation—Acts 28:17-20.

    5. Paul was a fleshly Jew "by nature"—Gal. 2:15.
    But Paul was the same kind of an Israelite—2 Cor. 11:22.

    In Radio Address, Aug. 28, 1943, Dr. John Matthews said that Paul was a Jew only in a religious sense. Well, he was a Benjamite—Ph. 3 :15—and the tribe of Benjamin remained with Judah, not the ten tribes, hence not Israel, according to these modern "Israelites." Moreover, Paul's use of the word "Jew" in Acts 21:39, when he declared himself a Jew, was in contrast with the word "Egyptian" in verse 38, in the same connection. He was the same kind of a Jew that the other fellow was of "an Egyptian." Paul says that he was a fleshly Jew, a Jew by nature, a Hebrew and a Benjamite, yet we are told that he was a Jew only in a religious sense, a religious Jew by nature, or just naturally a religious Jew! A natural religious Jew, or a religious natural Jew—which? Such twaddle makes us feel like saying "Pshaw!"

    6. Paul called Peter a Jew like "other Jews" Gal. 2:11-15.
    Peter called himself a Jew in contrast with "another nation"—Acts 10:28.

    7. Jews "out of every nation" were dwelling at Jerusalem—Acts 2:5.
    Peter referred to all of these Jews as "men of Israel"—Acts 2:22.

    8. The old covenant was given to the Jews—Rom. 3:1.
    But the old covenant was given to Israel—Rom. 9:4.

    9. Paul called the Jews the circumcision—Rom. 3 :29-30.
    He referred to Israel as the circumcision—Gal. 6:13-16.

    10. The gospel was first preached to the Jews—Rom. 1:16.
    The gospel was first preached to Israel—Acts 10:36.

    11. At first the gospel was preached only to the Jews—Acts 11:
    19 But at first the gospel was preached to Israel—Acts 10:36.

    12. The Jews and Israel were identified as being the same in Acts 13.
    Verse 6 refers to the "synagogue of the Jews" in which Paul preached. In verse 16 Paul called them "men of Israel" and in verse 17 "this people of Israel." In verse 24 he says that John "had first preached repentance to all the people of Israel," in verse 26 he called them the "stock of Abraham," and in verse 33 he referred to the Jews as "us their children"; then, showing that the Jews were the ones to whom he was speaking, verse 42 says "when the Jews came out of the synagogue." So Acts 13 adds up to this: Paul went into the "synagogue of the Jews"; talking to the Jews in their synagogue, he called them "men of Israel," "this people Israel," "all the people of Israel," "stock of Abraham," and "us their children"—and-then "the Jews came out of the synagogue"—but Anglo-Israelists say that the Jews were not Israel.

    13. Matthew called Jesus the king of the Jews—Matt. 27:29-37.
    Mark called Jesus the king of Israel—Mark 15:17, 32.

    Let it be observed here that Pilate asked only one question. He did not ask if Christ was king of the Jews and then ask if he was king of Israel. The records of Matthew and Mark therefore show that they used the terms interchangeably; one said that he was king of the Jews, but the other said that he was king of Israel—but they meant the same thing. Therefore, Jews and Israel were understood by the gospel writers as being one and the same thing

    14. Paul declares that Jesus was of the tribe of Judah—Heb.7:14
    John declares that Jesus was Lion of the tribe of Judah Rev 5:5

    If Paul had been of the tribe of Judah, would Anglo-Israelists admit that he was a Jew? Yes. Then, since Jesus Christ was of the tribe of Judah, what keeps him from being a Jew? Yet the Anglo-Israelists insist that neither Christ nor any of the apostles of Christ were Jews. Jesus was of the tribe of Judah; Paul was of the tribe of Benjamin, which merged with Judah and continued under the name of Judah. This fact is clearly stated in 1 Kings 12:2023. So Paul the Benjamite, and Jesus the Judahitc but neither of them was a Jew accor(lin~ to an Anglo-Israelite.

    16. Finally—in his conversation with the Samaritan woman. Jesus said that he was a Jew Jn 4:9-22.
    First, the woman of Samaria said to Jesus: "How is it that thou being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria ? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans." Here Jesus permitted this woman to call him a Jew, and John the apostle wrote it down that way in the gospel record. Then m verse 22, Jesus said to the woman, "Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews." Thus Jesus accepted the name Jew when the woman called hind one, and then in referring to "ye" and "we" when replying to her he called himself one.

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