yak go out and find out for yourself miles....You've...

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts. yak go out and find out for yourself miles....

    You've posted some really stupid cr#p in your time but you seem capable of plumbing new depths

    "Is the reaction by some to these cartoons way over the top - DEFINATELY

    But so was some of your mobs reaction to Mel Gibsons movie about JC"

    Only some one with their loyalties "elsewhere (how is she) would equate what your mob has done around the world over these cartoons and LEGAL processes engaged in by a few Jews to get their position upheld

    No hate-filled nonsense

    And therein my WA little fellow is the reason that the group you sleep with are so hated around the world

    They deal with differences and difficuties with hate and violence

    And you call me a f00l....thought you'd have to resort to it soon

    Nothing if not predictable miles
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