a rally now shows insanity of the market

  1. 2,047 Posts.
    this has to be the scariest late avo rally i have ever seen in my 20 years on the markets. the only answer can be there are insane people investing on these markets. insane people probably investing other peoples money.
    be warned if you have money in a hedge fund be prepared to lose all of it. get out now tell your friends.
    i dont know if there is any hope for the current financial system. somehow mad people got into positions of power and there killing us all.
    sol trehillio with telstra got 13 million today. he is as much of a wiz as an average plumber, yet he gets 13 million. the whole telsttra board should be sacked and so the boards of probably most companies. until they all start taking massive pay cuts and start to realise there own companies may well be in trouble, if not already, then soon, i cant see how there is any hope for the financial markets.
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