Aboriginal Australia as some like to think about it before...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 17643
    Aboriginal Australia as some like to think about it before European settlement was in effect a number of colonies (a bit like Europe) where each colony either fort with the other colony and/or wanted to state its independence from the other tribe. So many are trying to rewrite history as if there was only one aboriginal colony in Australia, pre European settlement. Here is a map of what it looked like.


    At the end of the day, IMO aboriginals need to help themselves and changing the date will achieve nothing just like MABO appears to have achieved nothing in aiding aboriginals to get out of poverty because at the end of the day you have to help yourself rather than want the rest of society to continuously feel sorry for you. "Welcome to Country' is just feel good stuff to get out of addressing actually the hard issues around aboriginal health and other aspects.

    Whilst I voted yes for the Voice, the question itself was just a mess - which I posted about here in Post #: 70226918. Constitutional recognition would have got up easily if the question wasn't about also enshrining a 'body' within the constitution. Even when I voted yes I felt, well will this achieve improvement in aboriginal health and lifespan and employment opportunities, or will this go the same way as all the $ one got from Mabo that somehow have been lost on lawyer accommodation in Manly etc etc.

    Unemployment and disadvantage in getting jobs, in part, is also attributed to lack of school attendance and getting an education and lack of role models in making sure the kids actually go to school - yes I know I might cop a few unwelcome responses on this as well.

    Now another debate on Australia Day and Woolworths getting in on the act.

    I am personally over it, and for those who will be about to get in arms over this post try working in the regions. i.e and many will not understand what I am saying especially the violence and lack of care shown by some aboriginals themselves to other aboriginals but that is something the caffe latte set of urban inner Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Brisbane etc etc just don't get it because they have never worked in such regions - you need to start helping yourself rather than keep delving into the past to get yourself out of poverty.

    Changing the date will achieve nothing IMO because IMO aboriginals and their leftist club will simply move onto the next reason why they are disadvantaged. the 1967 referendum + MABO and other things came and went with still no improvement in aboriginal well-being despite the amount of money changing hands (or did we just get a few rich people out of that) IMO and they continue to remain socially disadvantaged and part of the reason is lack of education IMO. At the end of the day aboriginals need to help themselves and frankly I am fed up with this crap. I posted about this a while ago and I ask this to those who keep raising this issue - have any of you ever worked in the regions, ever for a long period of time and not just been a FIFO worker who never went to the regional town.

    Nonetheless, if we are to change the date, which IMO will only lead to another issue of injustice been raised and the reasons why aboriginals are socially disadvantaged from the left, I suggest the date change to when the Australia Act 1986, which broke our ties from the UK, commenced been 3 March. But as I said changing the date will achieve nothing because another issue will be found as to why aboriginals are disadvantaged and the cafe latte set will then focus on that. My overall thought and noting changing the date will achieve nothing IMO.

    For next Friday - Happy Australia Day all, and enjoy a VB, BBQ and time with your family. Australia has given so much opportunity to immigrants like me who came many many years ago and appreciated the fact of that opportunity.

    Rant over and this post reflects what I have said in the past when these debates on the date happen.

    Here is a question -

    1. What tangible benefit will changing the date do for increasing aboriginal lifespan and literacy????
    2. Why didn't Mabo achieve an increase in literacy and lifespan, given the $ that changed hands there. (Noting Mabo certainly proved the concept of Tera Nullius been, and rightly so, wrong when Australia was 'discovered', a concept aboriginals fought for a very long time over in saying that concept was wrong and were shown to be right).

    All IMO

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