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A Real-Time Commute on Autopilot, page-5

  1. 1,658 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2879
    As much as this recent crash will give the press a bit of chew-toy and have Tesla's PR under pressure - I think a lot of people, myself included, will be taking a second look at TAC in videos like this and be quite surprised at how far this tech has already come.
    So fast.

    One of the parts of the vid that is interesting is how he talks about how many users complain about the "nags" from the car to hold the wheel on corners. Clearly they feel the car does a fine job by itself for so much of the journey.

    Seems the tech would be already near perfect for convoying trucks very safely already, following a human driver in the lead vehicle - even if the roads weren't mapped to the database.
    bloody amazing.
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