11up, My point is that we really should think long and hard...

  1. 331 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    My point is that we really should think long and hard before we ask ourselves the question of becoming a republic. Common law plays a big a in our constitution for the best part of a century but has been butchered & bastardised by our law makers in recent times. I simply do not trust ex bankers, ex lawyers and many of the university elite with 20 diplomas in sfa who wander the halls of parliament to be given a chance slip something past the general population they never really needed, wanted or understand properly. The direction the world is heading these days I think reinforces that governments are becoming more like corporational dictatorships rather than democracies. A republic of Australia will be nothing than another way a removing more of the peoples remaining liberties imo.
    All these gooses running around saying it "is just replacing the head of state with our own"...."PIGS ASS" as J Elliott would say.

    I get concerned with these nut bags wanting change sheet all the time to make a name for themselves, appease their own ideological shortcomings or lining their own pockets...... and you want disagree with them they will take a stick to no worries..
    To me it is simple. If it aint broke yet why try and fix it.

    Merry Christmas
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