Ardent , all the Germans werent Nazis, all the Italians werent...

  1. 930 Posts.
    Ardent , all the Germans werent Nazis, all the Italians werent fascists, and all the Japs werent "Bushido militarists" but they still managed to create a firestorm that consumed the whole planet.

    IMHO, Islam is far more dangerous, because it encompasses all three of the main ingredients of the above ideologies.

    they are moderately quiet atm because only a few thousand fundamentalists are creating havoc, but listen to even the "moderates"... theres always the attached rider to their condemnation of the terrorist attacks. Read their literature on their websites. Western Imperialists, Islamic World Domination, etc. If you dont think its a time bomb waiting to go off ,your deluded man.

    Given the right conditions, a Nuke in London or New York, initiating a retaliatory strike in Baghdad or Riyahd, is all it needs.

    In any event whether the west retaliates or not, any sign of weakness or withdrawal on the part of the West, will galvanise a mass membership rush to join the Jihad.
    There will be millions of fencesitters including your neighbour, who will be suddenly running down the street wearing a Jihad headband, wanting to cut your throat....

    And the west has been letting them develop their subversive infrastructure for years. Even pandering to them.
    I have no doubt in my mind that both your and my kids are going to pay for this folly dearly.
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