a sedate bunch, heh?, page-13

  1. 364 Posts.
    Ardent, thank you for calling me a moron, and a moron I must be because the inactions of morons like myself has seen Australias muslim population get to this point!!
    When is the last time you heard a christian preacher (or a hindu or budhist for that matter ) make statements like the ones that were made in the initial post from Yidsrus? In England undercover operations have shown that the ammams ( or what ever the hell these moron preachers that preach nothing but hate call themselves ) spew their poison from the altars calling for the downfall of the west continuously. The same is said to happen in many other European countries. Continuously! The same for Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran etc etc, the ammans are calling for the downfall of the west and Israel..... A space craft explodes killing all on board and you see muslims out there on the street rejoicing, stating how wonderful it is and that its allahs will. Now I hear that sort of thing is beginning to happen here in Australia. I would love to see a pastor of a church get up one sunday and preach hatred towards muslims. When word got out, how soon do you think it would be before that church ( and many others no doubt ) would be burnt to the ground from your muslim brothers?

    You previously stated that not all muslims are bad, and I guess u r correct, as there are good and bad in every race and religion. But me thinks that if muslims one day made up the majority of the population in Australia for example, then things would be different, very different even the so called good ones would do their bit for the islamic cause. Why do I say such a thing? Its in your koran. From what I understand you are a muslim. If I am correct in that, what does your koran say about us kaffirs? Mix with us and become like us? Not quite....... Arent we the scum of the earth ( or words to that effect )? Arent you supposed to kill us wherever you find us? Does not your koran command you to ensure that Islam is THE religion?

    You probably wont believe this but I really dont hate muslims ( not the good ones that you spoke of at least) but I do hate Islam.

    On a further note, my best friend at high school was a muslim lad. (Yagiz, where are you? ) I guess you are correct, there are some good ones.

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