a soldier responds to leunig, page-3

  1. cy7
    930 Posts.
    --It is not a simple right and wrong issue.
    --Most of us dont deny the need for an effective police or military, be it national or international.
    --Warriors love to fight , be it in a boxing ring, football field or in some case the defence forces and they like everyone else have their place in the world. No one denies their courage.
    -- But often warriors and politicians get out of control. "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely"
    -- Sept 11 could have been a trigger to attack, or it could have been a flashing light that something was horribly wrong in this world of ours.
    -- I am horrified with the action of extremists/fanatics, be they muslim, christian or simple football hooligans.
    --I sadly find the actions of the US and Israel as repulsive as the actions of any muslim extremist.
    --Because the actions of the USA may have been unselfish and honourable during 1939 to 45 , it does not mean they are honourable now.
    --Because the Jews were persecuted and murdered in their millions during 1939/45 ,it does not mean that they to cannot be guilty of similar crimes 50 years later.
    --A peaceful and just solution needs the ingredients of very level headed and open minded people.Maybe just maybe so called "bad" people have to die -- but certainly not what is happening now.
    -- Torture and depleted uranium --indescriminate bombing-- Lies upon lies. Our kids are watching this and we are supposed to be the good guys.
    -- Peace activists may not be right, but we need to take on board what they are saying. -Vietnam should have told us that.
    --Death, carnage, shattered lives --it is hard to glorify
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