This forum has been a fertile think tank of stereotyped...

  1. 38,104 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 436

    This forum has been a fertile think tank of stereotyped generalisations of labor and liberal voters. So its my turn now.

    There is a truism that is applicble to a portion of all voters imo ... and its the myth of the hard working australian.

    Any Liberal voter who owns/runs/manages a business by definition works harder, longer and with a more focussed work ethic than any labor voter who shouts aloud with the crowd about safety nets and work life balance yatta yatta.

    This particular labor voting demographic wants something for nothing and figures the world owes them. More for less is their mantra.

    Any civilised society (governed by labor or liberal) puts up with this particular demographic because they are an unavoidable consequence of having a safety net that looks after those such a net is intended for. That labor demographic effectively diminishes the capacity of the nation to improve safety net provisions because they are not contributing productively to the economy.

    You've all seen the labor demographic I am talking about ... your workmate who flogs sick leave and start and finish times and who puts in barely enough effort to keep a job and hides behind strong IR laws to protect his job ... the true ugly Australian in my view.

    This labor demographic will probably help Kev over the line on Saturday. To every other labor voter I sincerely apologise for this post.

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