a voice for men - take a stand for man's sake, page-103

  1. 3,728 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    DDzx. Seeing that you want to dissect my life and existence, then how about looking deep into the woman in my life now.

    She had a good marriage, with a 'good husband that had a good paying job'. He did everything a husband could do for her, except maybe show her the love and support that she needed after her 'still born'. He was a good father to her children and never raised a hand at the 3 women. They had no money issues and had the security of their own home.

    But then things turned - she decided that she wanted more, that she needed 'out', and with it take her 2 girls out of the 'family unit'. She decided to venture out of the cave so to speak, and into a world that is dangerous, in particular for her 2 girls. Imagine the fear of her X husband knowing that this woman was most likely going to introduce 'another' male into her dwelling, where statistically there is a much higher chance of her 2 girls being hurt or sexually interfered with than by their own father.

    She made her decision. And here is my beef, and it is also what I have said to her face! That she is responsible for compromising the lives of her and her daughters. That she has no one to blame but herself for her situation. And what is equally as bad, is that the public fully support someone in her situation - why? Why should she have pity thrust upon her by the likes of you or our politicians. What about her husband and her 2 girls that cried when she broke 'the news', why is 'that' never spoken about? Why did she get full support from her parents, who, afterwards, removed the wedding pictures from the wall? He was never the issue!

    And here you are, looking at it from the protective point of view which I can understand, as I often find myself judging in the same 'protective' manner as well. But she made her own choice. Read this everyone. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE for her or her 2 girls. Do not ever try and shift the blame onto me, when it was not my fault that she and her 2 girls are alone. And in a world that thrives on feminism, you would think people would stop 'expecting' men to make 'the commitment' when society turns its back on the very same men when they become discarded like an outdated frock.

    But I would expect you to continue to put my life under the microscope as that is the person that you are. But I must tell you, when I woke up on a Sunday morning and saw that you wrote 8 posts between 3am and 5 am, all directed at me and with no replies in between then the alarm bells went off! Whatever your excuse is, it is not a healthy look.
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