I appreciate your efforts in endeavoring to relay what you...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I appreciate your efforts in endeavoring to relay what you consider the word of Yahweh.

    However, as you say -->It is vital that we allow Yahweh to teach us the truth.

    Wotsup, your to be commended for using the Bible as the basis for your belief. However, here is an example of your wrong understanding of what ''host'' is referring to.

    (Psalm 33:6) By the word of Jehovah the heavens were made, And by the spirit of his mouth everything in them.* Lit., “all their army.” -- NWT

    The Jerusalem Bible says: ''By the word of Yahweh the heavens were made, their whole array by the breath of his mouth,..''

    It is obvious that ''host'' refers to the multitude of objects that make up the ''heavens''.

    The Hebrew interlinear has it as I showed, never the less, the hosts is not just referring to beings, spirits.
    However, the point I was making, and of which another verse somewhere confirms, the Heavens were Created before the hosts, ruling OUT Jesus or Micheal being the first literal, physical creation as your trying to use Rev 3:14 for.
    Your reference and message of John 6:44-55 I totally get, hence the truth of exactly WHO is the true ONE as in -> "come to ME"
    This tells us in seconds as to whether they are taught, led via Yahweh.

    Only begotten Son --> Several passages, OT prophesies, and message to Mary, I WILL be a Father to him and He WILL BE a Son to me.
    Because of, the word of Yahweh and His Spirit, therefore, for THIS reason he WILL be called the Son of the Most High.
    THIS DAY I have begotten thee --> this IS my son whom I am well pleased.

    He is the 2nd Adam = Man, who does NOT pre-exist and came well after the 1st Adam and after Baptism is WHEN he was sent into the world.

    So, there were CLEARLY a progression of stages, phases, a plan to be, to a son, we then see only begotten son and now in the Bosom, Light, exalted and ref as an Only Begotten God.
    Yahweh words, meaning of Jesus being the beginning of the creation of God, the firstborn of creation;

    The Word and Glory examples following;
    Titus 1:2 - In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before time eternal;

    2 Tim 1:9 - Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before time eternal,

    We were not saved or called back then, hence it is, was a plan, his own purpose = meaning of Logos, Glory as in the inner, like the hidden mystery IN God;

    Eph 3:9 -And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:

    It was always to be through a future Jesus, hence;
    Rev 13:8 - And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain--> from--> the foundation of the world.
    (This version, is EXACTLY as per the Greek and it is in references to his planned pre-slaining).

    Hence THAT and that so far Titus etc, is known as The Word & Glory and held via God alone before any literal creations;
    John 17:5 - And now glorify Me You, Father, with Yourself, with Glory insofar held BEFORE the world existed, with You.

    Jesus makes Zero reference to him literally being there at this time.
    He now and for the first time, asks for God's literal presence, as God is Glory as well as his plans, word.
    If you want to insist, glory "I had", it still does not place Jesus literally there, JUST as those referred to in 2 Tim 1:9 were Not saved and Not called back THEN.

    They could say, Father glorify me you with the glory I had with you etc, etc.

    So Mr G --> Titus 1:2, Eph 3:9, Rev 13:8 etc, etc, the plan is WHAT became Flesh.
    In the beginning was The Word --> Titus, Eph, Rev etc and the Word, Titus, Eph, Rev, FLESH BECAME...........and we beheld the Glory Titus, Eph, Rev, IN Jesus, the Vehicle, the means by which the Word, plan, God's own purpose would be manifested.
    Hence the meaning of the Name Jesus AND Immanuel, God would also be with this One via Spirit/Word/Light within Jesus, The Temple, without measure John 14:10.

    So the Jesus to be, the plan, was the beginning of the creation of God, the firstborn of his inner creation, where your creation begins, Foundation and was pre-slain, in the mind and plans of God. (Rev 13:8, 3:14 and Col 1:15).

    Can't make it any more simpler than that Mr G and well and truly supported via the Bible, especially in the OT.
    Hence, Jesus's goings forth, the plan, was from old and before Abraham.
    Hence Jesus clearly states, before Abraham I am, the plan of me.
    (Regardless of what those around him, took his message to mean, he just walked off and left them with it. They often got the wrong end of the stick).

    And yes, that raises the obvious, was the said fall foreknown or in fact, part of the plan?
    If they knew no evil, how would they know what Good is etc etc.

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