a world without religion , page-10

  1. 13,068 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 18
    It is debatable whether HItler was an atheist. ANd the Catholic Church supported him despite the Jewish genocide.

    But it is irrelevant. Hitler, Mao and Stalin were all brutal dictators in the name of fascism/communism. The killing was done in the name of fascism or communism to support the regime, not to support atheism which is simply a lack of belief in God.

    Fascism and communism are now discredited as effective political systems. Who is running around supporting them now? Unfortunately, religion has been responsible for millions of deaths in the past and continues to be responsible for murders, suppression and injustice, with lots of present supporters. Look at the 911 attacks and London bombings (72 virgins - seriously who believes that), religious conflicts in Indonesia, Pakistan, Bosnia, the theft of land and killing of Palestinians by Israel, because the whole of that area is their land (their holy book says so - seriously who believes that). And we have the Catholic Church supporting paedophiles and inhumane contraceptive policies in Africa which lead to mass deaths.

    Critical thinking versus mass obedience to the Pope/Osama/Torah/Bible. I know my choice.
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