a world without religion , page-19

  1. 15,034 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 556

    "A world without religion can only be seen as a positive.?
    Prove me wrong???"

    A world without FALSE religion can only be seen as a positive.

    Considering the majority of the worlds religions today, crystalvoyager you a SPOT ON the money. But with the addition of the word FALSE it helps to clarify the matter.

    "Do i need to list the evils it has & is still perpetrating"

    No you dont, the list would be to long.

    "Does the existence of religion cause more harm than good??"

    Again, the existance of FALSE religions today cause more harm than good. No doubt about it. There is no defence imo for the atrocities caused by FALSE religions over the years. Their fruits have proven what kind of organisations they are.

    This is the very reason why God himself has said in the Bible that he will have FALSE religions destroyed for good in the very near future.

    You obviously dont believe in a God so probably no matter what I say it will be very hard to change your mind.

    But instead of me proving anything to you, why dont you prove to everyone why if humanity lived by the principles in the Bible the world wouldn't be a better place?
    Because at the end of the day a TRUE religion would be based on the Bible, having been written by the creator of humans.

    Faith in the Bible is not BLIND faith either. It is faith based on evidence and there is plenty to be found by those with a humble outlook and an open mind.

    BTW MrGordon slip us an email sometime.



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