AHH some spirited debate excuse the punGravscan "Aren't you...

  1. 411 Posts.
    AHH some spirited debate excuse the pun

    Gravscan "Aren't you being a bit defensive, CV? Anyone would think that Christ Himself was after you."

    If he existed i'm sure he would be, if he exists he knows were i am, beer waiting.


    "More wars and casualties have been caused on earth by atheists than all religions combined.
    Look at Hitler, Stalin and the effects of Communism ."

    No war was every fought under the guise of atheism. FACT

    Hitler was not an atheist, "To the extent HITLER believed in a divinity, Hitler did not believe in a "remote, rationalist divinity"
    but in an "active deity,"[68] which he frequently referred to as "Creator" or "Providence".
    In Hitler's belief God created a world in which different races fought each other for survival The "Aryan race," supposedly the bearer of civilization, is allocated a special place:"
    , OR Adolf Hitler was raised a Catholic, and in a speech in 1922 he remarked,
    "My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Saviour as a fighter..." In his autobiography Mein Kampf (1.2), Hitler stated:
    Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew,
    I am fighting for the work of the Lord.

    Still a religious belief not an atheist

    if you wanted to win a debate you could have used pol pot the biggest mass murderer in history he did ban religion whether he believed in a skylord i dont know dont care

    "Crystalvojager,....Can you prove to me that God does not exist? " questions answered with questions funny anyhow!

    Can i prove to you werewolves & vampires dont as well yeah there is no evidence for either.

    I wont even try to prove to you that God exists ( even thogh there is ample evidence)

    What evidence??????????????

    "If everyone lived after the principles of the gospel, the world without a doubt would be a better place and people would be happier."

    Do i really need to quote some of the gospels to prove you are being very selective.

    TRADER P "The fact is that the events in the bible happened.There are many witnesses to the events and multiple written accounts of these events. We also have a countless number of prophecy from the bible which has been fullfilled and is happening currently."

    No proof it happened name a witness name a prophecy


    "A world without religion can only be seen as a positive.?
    Prove me wrong???"

    "A world without FALSE religion can only be seen as a positive."

    Yeah see your point i just view all religions as false what an individual creates for themselves so be it.

    "This is the very reason why God himself has said in the Bible that he will have FALSE religions destroyed for good in the very near future.

    Obviously your god is the right one, its funny aetheists are despised but a special derision with all religions is their ability to hate those that believe something else

    "You obviously dont believe in a God so probably no matter what I say it will be very hard to change your mind."

    True i dont but a belief in ancient text stolen from pagan religions & changed throughout the centuries to ensure the power of the religios leaders will never win any debate

    "But instead of me proving anything to you, why dont you prove to everyone why if humanity lived by the principles in the Bible the world wouldn't be a better place? Because at the end of the day a TRUE religion would be based on the Bible, having been written by the creator of humans."

    Here is my problem your "true religion based on the bible" why not a belief in ancient
    sumerian texts the celtic gods etc were they real why have they been forgotten which is the real god obviously the one you believe in & have been indoctrinated into.

    Humanity does not need gods most of the laws presnted as some supernatural knowledge are just simple stuff that pagan or pre christian jew even cave man etc societies
    lived by. If this forum was dumped on an island tommorow with no contact with the outside world religion would not be needed, it would be obvious the way we would have to share & live together
    Sadly someone would introduce a new religion over the generations to assert control based on fear maybe even a copy of star wars or lord of the rings would be enough to create a religion & a holy book.
    Basically the bible does not hold the principles of human morality for that matter look at all the troubles in the world the more fundamental the belief in religion the greater the problems thats a fact

    "Faith in the Bible is not BLIND faith either. It is faith based on evidence and there is plenty to be found by those with a humble outlook and an open mind."
    There is no evidence state anything thats based on evidence


    CV, I think the problem is human nature - which is duplicitous, self serving, and not to be trusted.

    True human nature is real

    If you read your histories, you will find that much of the religious abuse was caused by people wishing to maintain power over people holding alternate positions.

    True from pagan societies till now were charities with a religious bent try to give aid & religious help

    "Your own email suggests an intolerance for people holding an alternate position from your own - how far would you be prepared to go (if you were given power) to ensure that those of a religious viewpoint were denied a voice?"

    Debate is good
    Everyones entitled to their view including vampire cults people that believe in fairies people that believe in ra the sun god, but as you asked
    if i was in power their views would be treated with what they are a belief in something not real & the majority view would be followed
    as DDxz posted earlier

    "In a 2008 global Gallup poll, nearly 70% of Australians stated religion as having no importance,much higher than their American counterparts, and on par with similarly secular countries such as Japan, the Netherlands, Finland, and France. Only a few Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden, Denmark) and post-Soviet states (Estonia) are markedly less religious.

    The Sydney Morning Herald, an Australian newspaper with a centrist viewpoint, asked its readers "Would the world be better off without religion?". 81% responded in the affirmative.

    A 2006 study by Monash University, the Australian Catholic University and the Christian Research Association found that 52 per cent of Australians born between 1976 and 1990 have no belief in a God."

    No one has yet proved the existance of god, good luck with that
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