a world without religion, page-97

  1. 7,453 Posts.
    ive got to laugh as atheists roll out the old religion line over and over again

    lets just forget that the 3 biggest killers of modern time were stalin mao and hitler all so called atheists

    the problem is humanity

    the other thing i find laughable in this more common than ever attacks,is most atheists just have a one size fits all mentality and are ill informed that evolution is actually a religious belief,a man made theory

    why is it faith to say thata supreme being created the world,
    but considered a higher mentality to think,life came forth from a rock,because when you boil that theory back to the simplistic origin,that is exactly what evolution says,life came forth over a process from the non living turning into the living.from a rock came life

    then call that science,science by definition is something that can be demonstrated,and the evidence reproduced.were you there so called millions of years ago?when this happened?if no one was?then by scientific definition,then its just another theory,you accept it by faith,you have been taught it as fact from the moment you walk into be educated

    and now you are being educated to believe anything that falls outside this theory is religion and to be frowned upon,yet yours is just as much a belief as any religion,and as you will see in the following vitriol i will recieve for daring to question the unquestionable,it will be defended in religious zealot fashion by its adherants

    the moral start or beggining to any society begins with how they define their moral structure or beliefs to their society.ie saudi arabia islamic law-and all laws are based from the beggining of what their concept of god is and wants and the laws reflect that,buddists countries the same etc etc according to their belief

    the western worlds laws came from breaking away from the dark ages laws of church and state of the facist form of government of the catholic church whos head was the pope,
    pagan rome transfered all its dogma and laws etc over and called itself christianity,although all pagan beliefs etc sunday easter lent etc were just given christian names etc but paganism just continied under a new name,pontificus maximus was the tittle given to the ceasars,the pope as the head of this form still carries that name today.

    the western forms of government broke away from this form of government and through a gradual process formed the westminster system of government,protestant against rome and her government rule of the people,to, the people rule the government

    western moral beliefs are formed whether people like it or not,from the bible and judeo christianity,in order to break down the fabric of this societies basis,you attack and break down its moral fabric to its laws

    introduce multiculturalism,making sure the basis to this influx is from people holding a differant veiw from the above and differant veiw to what our society and cultures foundation is,the society will then make laws that are politically correct,that in order to not offend those that have chosen to come into an established culture,by all means keep your own,but repect the culture you come too,
    as we have to in say communist china or islamic saudi arabia
    if you mock and disrespect my beliefs and culture thats ok,but if i dissagree with yours then im a racist and a biggot,call me a tight pommy b or an aussie skippy etc thats ok,but dont call me a tea towel head or any names from other cultures,thats just not pc

    now the country is devided against each other just as planned

    introduce humanism into the mix and now you have another form of hatred,any form of belief in this archaic judeo-christian god is now hated,told its past its used by date,scripture is now replaced by ethics classes,there is no god,and its reflected now in the me first society we now have,people complain in society about the nacissist children of these generations,when yet we teach them,its just survival of the fittest,cause lets face it,if you true to your atheist beliefs,there is no right or wrong now by deffinition.YOU are god in a sence now,because there is no absolutes,right or wrong has now just changed to being subjective to the individual.if you dont think its wrong,then being consistant with your belief that you evolved from a rock,then who cares,eat and drink,for tomorrow we die!

    its ok now to T off on anyone who believes in god,infact its incouraged,as you will see in the following posts.We want our rights they will say,but we would love to deny you yours cause you are not valid anymore

    who cares what you say,because by the very example of the froms of government we have formed based on judeo/christianity,compared to what we are being driven to now,a global society based on human assumptions and laws that do away with our cultural beliefs and basis,wouldnt happen in other countries outside the west,you have to accept what you come into at the point of a gun

    communisms basis start and basis is evolution,fact
    if there is no god,the elite rule at the expense of the masses,and this is consistant with survival of the fittest,
    we are headed for a global government,and this is why these changes have been made,you are about to get what you want

    religous laws hummanism and a global dictatorship when the west has its economic collapse,the united nations will then be given teeth to impose its dictates on nation states, and these this terrible bassis to which the western society has its governments and laws will have been destroyed,and you will have the forms of government christianity and western culture tried to free you from,you will have a modern day paganistic dictatorship using the environment as the catyalist to communize the world to mother earth,ask bob brown and julia and their nakers carbon tax that are helping to propell us to utopian evolved future you want
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