abbot can be the next pm no election required, page-18

  1. 14,170 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 118
    "How they do it doesn't matter - they don't have a basic philosophy"

    islam and koran provides a frame of reference for the muslims

    the writing of ron l hubbard for scientologists.

    marxism does the same for union bosses and other socialisists in the labor party.

    schumacher "small is beautiful" provides a base for environmentalists such as the greens.

    Muslims, scientologists, union bosses, members of the labor party and greens all have one thing in common. They are incapable of thinking for themselves.
    They are nothing but robots incapable of free thought.
    At least members of th coalition are free thinkers and are capable of making decisions appropriate for the situation and not some ideology.

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