abbot has lost it , page-88

  1. 47,986 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2

    I am flaberghasted!

    But given that you don't know Malcolm Fraser & that you still think I support Julia Gillard & emanate from the Far Left I will try clear up these issues for you:

    . I am not a Julia Gillard supporter' & have listed criticisms of her peformance on numerous occasions on HC. At the last federal election I voted for our Independent candidate. Nor am I blind to the achievements of Gillard's Govt. & I am delighted that we have finally passed legislation through the HoReps to address carbon pollution & global warming.

    . I am coming to admire Gillard's courage in the face of the ignorance with which she has been treated by media shock jocks & the disgraceful public threats & personal campaigns against her - including that on the Liberal website which Eric Abetz ordered removed.

    . Malcolm Fraser was leader of the Liberal Party when it blocked supply & caused the fall of the Whitlam Govt. in 1975. Under his leadership the Coalition won the elections of 1975, 1977 & 1980.

    . John Howard became Fraser's Treasurer but by 1983 their 'old world' economy was in such a mess that Bob Hawke led Labor to a crushing victory. Fraser was reduced to tears.

    . Such was the mess that the Coalition left behind that Labor was left to transform the economy & to manage the 1987 - 1992 recessions & to govern until 1996.

    . Based on online assessment instruments it's true that on the political spectrum that I am way to the left of Attila The Hun, Ghengis Khan & Adolf Hitler. I am also to the right of Nelson Mandela & Mahatma Ghandi & thereby roughly in the political centre! I suspect I am way to your left.
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