abbot is right to deny costings, page-81

  1. 11,316 Posts.
    Elections over, Abbott's fears of exposure and media overeaction should come after the independents getting what they want and giving us a government.


    Hi Niloony,

    I don't think Abbott is over reacting.

    I have written my thoughts previously under a different header;

    What Swan and Julia say, and put in writing is not as important, if they have not the Integrity that one needs to Govern, or for that matter any relationship.

    The last three years is a testimony that they indeed have no integrity.

    On the same token, Tony Abbott has displayed that he has integrity.And will not back down from what he believes, unlike Gillard and Swan who will say or do anything to get what they want.

    E.G. The railway line promise that even Maxine didn't know about until the 12hour.

    I don't think, and neither should anyone else, including the independents, that the costings are that important, for they are only estimates.Not like a tax return, compared to TRUST.

    People seemed to failed to remember that, with integrity, one can make small mistakes and be forgiven.

    But , With dishonesty, no integrity, and huge mistakes, one should not be forgiven and allowed to continue doing it.

    I would take Tony's word that he has had his costings checked and are OK, for I do Trust Tony and the Liberals.

    Could not say the same about Julia/Swan and their Labor Party.

    I am sure Katter and Co. realise that they would be committing political suicide if they backed labor.



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