Summary of Parliamentary Expenditure Paid between 1 July and 31...

  1. 213 Posts.
    Summary of Parliamentary Expenditure Paid between 1 July and 31 December 2012 (Travel Expenses Removed)

    Expenses Tony Abbott Julia Gillard
    Office Facilities $174,458.82 $39,750.17
    Office Fit Outs $0.00 $0.00
    Office Admin Costs $107,529.75 $46,118.22
    Telecommunications $33,523.29 $2,961.90

    Total $315,511.86 $88,830.29

    Note this is just for 6 months. Goodness knows what the full tally for the 3 years is. Why hasn't Abbott been pulled up about this? Everyone must agree! there has been full bore continual election campaign by Abbott all this time.

    His method is to take everyone in and exhaust everyone else who is not onside. I am up to his tricks. :)))
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