abbott’s budget poll threat, page-44

  1. 47,086 Posts.
    You guys are asking the wrong question re a DD.

    It is not what Mr Abbott wants that will determine the outcome. The independents and micro parties will make the decision and it will be clear when they do: Knock back the core elements of the budget or to pass them. Pass them and they are in a job for six years, knock them back and they become road kill. [I've been out but I think I heard Tony laid down the gauntlet today.]

    If these bills are knocked back Mr Abbot will have a simple choice too: Retire to a corner licking his wounds and be GUARANTEED that he will be a lame duck PM for a full term and thus GUARANTEEING that he will not be re-elected or grasp the nettle and take his story and his dreams to the people for endorsement.

    If he is returned with a majority in the lower house, how could the Senate STILL be refusnicks? If he were forced to ANOTHER DD election the electorate will be in no mood to vote labor or green.

    Maybe some in the senate shouldn't push their luck.
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