Abbott.....Abbott.......Abbott.......Turnbull.....Turnbull.......Turnbull, page-53

  1. 10,415 Posts.

    I was no fan of Abbott as PM. I largely supported his agenda but his lack of effectively selling a narrative was frustrating. For me, the end was the stupid royal honours, Prince Phillip and the way he gave up on trying to cut spending to fix the Budget.

    I was quite keen to see a change - but not to MT.

    However, once MT was chosen as PM my posts on HC show I was willing to give him a chance to put his stamp on the position. However, I find myself becoming increasingly uneasy with him as PM.
    - Not only has he given up on cutting expenditure, he seems to be in a race with Shorten to raise more taxes.
    - The news yesterday that he has coerced the head of ASIO to have a "chat" to backbenchers who are doing their job is simply outrageous. The man should have refused to allow himself to be used as a tool in a political process. It is no business of a public servant to involve him or herself in politics [take note also Mark Scott, Triggs and a few others]
    - Turnbull's softly, softly approach to the greatest national security threat Australia has face since 1942 suggests a lack of leadership skills
    - his twiddle-your-thumbs approach to I.S. may go down well with Obama but it is disastrous foreign policy
    - last but not least, it seems apparent only his fear of the Nationals and his back bench has stopped him from carrying on like a disciple over AGW.

    So I ask - how is his stewardship so far so different from Kevin Rudd? People overwhelmingly voted for a Coalition govt with conservative values - that's what was on offer. Abbott couldn't achieve that - doesn't mean MT should walk away from the mandate.
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