Tony Abbott admits to smacking his children, rules out...

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    Tony Abbott admits to smacking his children, rules out ban

    Published: December 12, 2013 - 10:25AM

    A ban on parents smacking their children risks turning Australia into a nanny state, says Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who admits he smacked his own kids.

    A UN Committee on the Rights of the Child report asks Australia to abolish the right of parents to use reasonable chastisement to discipline children, News Corp Australia reports.

    The committee would also like teachers and childcare workers to report cases of parents smacking their children.

    But the idea has not grabbed Mr Abbott.

    "I was probably one of those guilty parents who did occasionally chastise the children, a very gentle smack I've got to say," Mr Abbott told the Seven Network on Thursday.

    "I think that we've got to treat our kids well, but I don't think we ought to say there's no place ever for smacks.

    "All parents know that occasionally the best thing we can give is a smack, but it should never be something that hurts them."

    Mr Abbott said it was "always a danger" that these types of bans moved Australia towards a nanny state.

    "I think we often see political correctness taken to extremes and maybe this is another example," he said.


    Equal rights - kids should be allowed to smack their parents in return or kick them.

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