Fat Bloater"dotty If they did something to deserve it it's the...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 954
    Fat Bloater

    "dotty If they did something to deserve it it's the correct thing to do."

    "piss weak" is what those who are to gutless and lazy to discipline their own kids are and you can spot an undisciplined kid a mile off."

    How is smacking your child providing discipline?

    Can you not see the disconnect with that analogy?

    It doesn't even make sense!

    I smack my child o discipline them?

    The problem is we think its ok as our parents did it and their parents did it and hey, it didn't hurt me blah blah blah.

    Do you really think smacking provides discipline?

    I would argue if that were the case then you would have to hit the child at least with enough impact to scare them to death, to have an imp[act, therefore it is wrong.

    Even then you will possibly end up with a rebellious kid, who goes on to think smacking his/her kid is alright because u did it.

    Do you see the issue?

    Why stop when they are a child?

    If you child (say they are 30 now) would you still smack them if they did something you deemed indiscipline in life?

    If not, why not, apparently smacking = discipline?

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