abbott and the image, page-75

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Tony Abbott was just telling the truth - why should he then have to suddenly have to divert his own plans because Julia obviously Gillard didn't want him to going seperately - she wanted all the spotlight! He was always going to go on his way back from UK. That he was going to go to Afghanistan on his way back was always bleeding obvious, to everyone but the media it seems!

    He couldn't say - "I don't want to cancel my plans and go with Julia to HER timetable at a time highly difficult for me and my already arranged schedule". (Why should he?)

    He couldn't say - "No, I'm going on my own visit on my way back - it's all arranged". (Grave security no-no, and stricly forbidden)

    He couldn't say - (just) "No, I don't want to" and say nothing more as a reason. SHE made sure she put him on a spot deliberately - to embarrass him, all pre-meditated, knowing what the situation really was. Despicable.

    So he told the truth. He said he had his own visit planned for the near future, but couldn't tell us any more to anyone, and he mentioned not wishing to arrive in the UK with jet-lag as an alternate reason, off the cuff, which rings true, as he was already going anyway. And why SHOULD he change all his schedule and flights and cancel his previously arranged trip to the troops just to suit Gillard and yet another Machiavellian scheme just to stop him going by himself!

    Abbott has only just been able to reveal he told HER on September 22nd last about his plans for his own trip on the way back, and when it was happening.
    He also called her actions subsequently as - "an act of (can't put the word on here!") See the Australian.

    All she was doing was trying to avert him into not going by himself - and yet he ends up with unjustified egg on his face - and worse, villified, and she comes out of it looking good!

    What a rotten schemer she is. Just another of her dirty games. She has no graciousness or truly bi-partisan generosity or warmth.

    It was no doubt HER trip which was cobbled together hurriedly so she could get in before him on her way to Brussels. The Defence Dept. confirms his plans were made ahead of hers. It is SHE who was playing rotten games with the Troops situation - and not HER troops, as she called them on this visit - but OUR Aussie troops, fighting the Taliban - NOT the Taliband as she calls them! (so much for her foreign affairs skills!)

    A lot of apologies are overdue to Tony Abbott! But will he get them - no!

    Just another example of the heavily biased left-wing media jumping on their vicious bandwagons doing their worst!

    But mud sticks. They throw it. And they don't care who's reputation they damage in the process.
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