abbott better be consistent and say no to this

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    ABC Online...
    Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced United States troops will be stationed in Australia from next year.

    Ms Gillard made the comments during a joint press conference with US president Barack Obama hours after he touched down in Canberra.

    She says the deployment will start with 200 to 250 Marines next year and build up to 2,500 Marines in five years' time.

    Keep up with Mr Obama's whirlwind visit using ABC News Online's live blog.

    "It is a new agreement to expand the existing collaboration between the Australian Defence Force and the US Marine Corps and the US Air Force," she said.

    Our alliance has been a bedrock of stability in our region, so building on the alliance through this new initiative is about stability.

    Prime Minister Julia Gillard
    "What this means in very practical detail is from mid-2012 Australia will welcome a company-sized rotation of 200 to 250 Marines in the Northern Territory for around six months at a time.

    "Over a number of years we intend to build on this in a staged way."

    The US Air Force will also be given more access to Australian bombing ranges and training facilities in remote areas of the Northern Territory.

    The announcement by the two leaders comes as Australia and the US mark the 60th anniversary of the ANZUS alliance, the central security agreement between the two countries.

    'Stepping up'
    Ms Gillard says the new troop deployment will make the alliance stronger.

    "Our alliance has been a bedrock of stability in our region, so building on the alliance through this new initiative is about stability," she said.

    "It will mean that we are postured to better respond together, along with other partners in the Asia-Pacific, to any regional contingency, including the provision of humanitarian assistance and dealing with natural disasters."

    Mr Obama says the deployment is part of preparing the ANZUS alliance for the future.

    "As it has been for six decades, our alliance is going to be indispensible to our shared future, the security we need and the prosperity we seek not only in this region but around the world," he said.

    We are two Pacific nations, and with my visit to the region I am making it clear that the United States is stepping up its commitment to the entire Asia-Pacific.

    US president Barack Obama
    The president says it represents a signal of US intent to re-engage with the Asia-Pacific region.

    "We are two Pacific nations and with my visit to the region I am making it clear that the United States is stepping up its commitment to the entire Asia-Pacific," he said.

    The move is widely seen as an attempt to balance against the rising influence of China in the region.

    The announcement was immediately questioned by the Chinese government, with foreign ministry spokesman Liu Weimin saying there was potential to examine whether strengthening military alliances was in keeping with the tide of peace and development.

    When questioned about China's future in the Asia-Pacific, Mr Obama said he "welcomed a rising, peaceful China" but warned it must "play by the rules of the road".

    "What they've [China] been able to achieve in terms of lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty has been nothing short of remarkable," he said.

    "The main message that I've said not only publicly but also privately to China is that with their rise comes increased responsibility."

    'Warmth and kindness'
    Mr Obama also used the press conference to speak of his fond memories of visiting Australia as a child.

    "I've never forgotten the warmth and kindness that the Australian people extended to me when I was six, and eight, and I can see that the Australian people have lost none of that warmth," he said.

    He also praised Ms Gillard, saying she represented the qualities Americans value in Australia.

    "I'm also very grateful for my partnership with Prime Minister Gillard... In my friend Julia I see the quality we Americans admire most in our Australian friends; somebody who's down to earth, easy to talk to and says it like it is; straight up," he said.

    Ms Gillard says the US president can expect his warm welcome to continue throughout the short visit.

    "I think he's already seen that the welcome he's getting from Australians, including Australian school children, is a very warm one and I know that is going to be sustained during tonight's events and the events tomorrow," he said.

    Dave R.
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