Rudd and Gillard were worse. Short memory. The left always like...

  1. 12,010 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3141
    Rudd and Gillard were worse. Short memory.
    The left always like to blame Abbott for everything from climate change to traffic jams, so why not keep the tradition moving forward.
    Turnbull does not fit. He is trying to be more left than right and he is batting for the wrong team.
    The press are dic@#heads, so forget what they say most of the time. There is little difference between Labor and the Libs these days and that is simply silly politics. People want a clear difference and Turnbull is trying to be liked rather than lead. His time is up because folk want strong belief systems, not wishy washy fence sitting. Shorten does not believe in anything , so he is a write off on the leadership front as well. Both major parties need to get With the program and attract some talent for a change. Politics needs a kick in the pants.
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