abbott govt the most inept in aust history

  1. 13,013 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 99
    Well, what can one say. Spying is one thing and one can argue the rights and wrongs of it till the cows come home but the Abbott govt have shown themselves to be completely clueless in dealing with healing the rift with Indonesia. Why am I not surprised? The Abbott style of tough guy grandstanding does not work in international diplomacy. Australia is a laughung stock. These are the grownups????

    Worse, the British and Canadians saw fit to boycott the CHOGM in Sri Lanka because of human rights issues Abbott gives them boats to make their abuses of Tamils even easier!!!!! Immoral, stupid, DUMB!

    Australia now a pariah in the developed world because it has stepped away from the whole climate change issue.

    And these Liberals are the GROWNUPS???

    And we have three more years of these incompetents. One wonders how many friends we will have left by the end of it.
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