abbott govt the most inept in aust history, page-63

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    "Abbott maybe our PM but he does not have free licence to run amok and selectively address all those great big election promises he made. As for raging around on the world diplomatic stage with muddy hobnail boots and without his daughters to soften his image, ..."

    always play the man. Your (flaming) boots into Abbott. The old Labor tendency - if you haven;t got anything good to say - then stick the boots in, personally.

    This header ridiculously juvenile.

    As for Sri Lanka - my relatives are just back from 3 months there - staying with their families - some of their families/relatives either are, themselves, or married into, well regarded and ifluental Colombo higher echelon/society Tamils - of old money - generations old well established and well regarded - people influence - their ears to the ground. Well versed in things Tamil. Well regarded. Society.

    don't hear any doom or gloom brought back via them - all was peaceful - but then, they're only born there - only Sri Lankans returning, I spoke to - what would they know, then, Lapdog?

    Most of us wonder what happened to the Gillard media army. By the tone of vitriol now rampant on this forum, I think we're finding out!

    I, too have better things to do than read all this endless hatefilled spiteful tosh - now put up by some posters.

    And agree, perhaps better to let them argue amongst themselves. Some people live - to bicker. Their little lives dreary without someone or something to hate.
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