abbott kick out, page-57

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    Well I still wonder if this current collection of socialist clowns, stooges,unbalanced green lunatics and shady union thugs that has managed to hijack our government, will let something as minor to them as the will of the people expressed through the ballot box, derail the onward rush to a looters paradise of a complete and permanent socialist dictatorship in Australia...

    Severely compromised and vulnerable-to-coercion-and-blackmail-due-to-a-shady-past individuals seem to have been appointed to high and powerful positions as puppets of shadowy, backroom union-boss controllers...

    These compromised individuals further appoint compromised and vulnerable individuals to positions of power but of course the power they exercise is just the will and direction of their ultimate controllers...

    The entire collection of stooges has been a closed and incestuous community of bed-hopping, sex entanglements, highly suspect/potentially illegal activities and more so that other deeper loyalties and responsibilities and knowledge of potentially damaging "personal secrets" exists far beyond the shallow surface of public knowledge that bind this group of socialist misfits in a collective sink-or-swim/hang-together mentality of existential collusion....

    The institutions of justice, the normal investigative and legal aparatus that we all expect continues to work on relentlessly and independently seem to have been compromised and stalled to a degree more common in socialist dictatorships and certainly a new experience for Australia...

    The media, at least a large portion, seems to have become a leftists propaganda mouthpiece for the socialist government desperate to maintain their stranglehold on power with media organizations that report news that individuals in power do not want reported, are cowered and threatened into silence....

    How much confidence do we have in our system any more?

    And do we really expect that these socialist infiltrators and subversives will stop half-way in their demand for ever increasing and more permanent power over the captive Australian population?

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