Dave R -He was late. Sometimes the best paid plans of mice and...

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    Dave R -

    He was late. Sometimes the best paid plans of mice and men ....as if he was late DELIBERATELY!! He's no fool - and would know the disadvantage!

    She was nasty and sneering -

    some with more class would have been gracious and smiling - if more than a little pleased - secretly!

    so typical of Labor women - very smart mouths!
    Very good in the sarcasm/nasty department.

    But what about their actions!!
    Heaven spare us from them!

    Carmen Lawrence.

    Cheryl Kirnott.

    Joan Kirner.

    And then there's Lyn Allison - Kerry Nettle - and dear old Natasha Stott DESspoya!!

    All negative gripers- and none of them PM material.

    what a complete basket case Victoria was in when Joan Kirner got outed by Kennett.

    And now Julia Gillard and her flexible attitudes to the truth re. her proven recent (Oh sorry - far in the past -according to her) as recent as 2002 membership of a Far Left Socialist organisation - which was born out of a Communist organisation.

    Now that's what Australia really needs at this stage of its history -
    a huge swing to the very Far Left Wing! And gung ho and angry Union bosses dictating to Caucus. And an inexperienced "me too" leader. And a far less effective Treasurer in charge of the 3 trillion treasure chest.


    The manifesto of Julia's organisation is along the lines of -

    "we need to do more than just "tinkering away at the edges" of capitalism.

    Like dismantling it perhaps???

    Not great news for small or large business. Or entrepreuneurs. Or the mining industry or manufacturing industiries.

    I wonder just WHAT it is she has in mind for us!!
    I tremble to think!

    So should any businessman.

    Julia Gillard - Deputy Prime Minister!


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