abbott late for press club, page-41

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    Alan -

    Not only did Bracks quit!

    He did it in such a way that he virtually vanished overnight! The political equivalent of a moonlight flit!

    Now there was hardly a murmur in the press about this really odd/strange sudden departure -beyond that it was a family situation.

    A so-called popular Premier -re-elected only 8 months prior - gives a perfunctory press statement to the effect I'm off folks!! On a Friday arvo. Cleans out his desk over the weekend.

    And by the Monday - gorn! Never to be sighted officially publicly again??? No press eyeborws went very high though. "Cos all on his side.

    Yes - hardly a MURMUR from the Left Wing Media Party!

    (If it'd been Kennett they would still be screaming rage about it).

    Now I have always regarded this as a VERY strange happening indeed. And have ALWAYS wondered why!
    And have several conspiracy theories - all wrong perhaps.
    But it is even stranger because his Deputy did exactly the same thing - he went with him! Announced on the Friday - and gorn by the Monday! Quite bizzare. And he gave no good reason either. Off they trotted into the sunset together!! Why on earth did they contest the previous election if they were so disillusioned!

    Unless they have Bracks in storage in the wings - waiting to wheel him out to take over Federal leadership if and when Rudd and his endless "me toos" happens to gets the Labor Feds over the line?????? (Heaven help us!)

    Love his politics or hate them - Bracks was very good-looking and the ladies liked his looks!! Perhps they see him as a cinch to hold it into the future.

    Perhaps he's the hidden X factor. The sex-appeal??

    To come in and combat Costello downtrack????

    Perhaps? But this quick as a flash exit was very weird in its abruptness - and never satisfactorily explained!

    Funny how a Labor Premier can leave abruptly - and it's no big deal.

    For a Prime Minister to even contemplate retirement - or deciding to delay it for the Party or country's benefit - in other words, trying to do the devent thing and doing his own life planning (because like us all he only has one life) -and enjoy the freedoms others in other areas pf endeavour enjoy - is a hanging offence, according to Rudd, Gillard, the whole Labor Party and their cohorts.(The same ones who state that they are "defenders of the Working Man's rights).

    well, I didn't read about LAbor's ageism policy - did you? But it apprears they do have one - but under wraps! Evidenced by their constant pursuit of Howard as to when he will retire! And the constant "he's too old" inference. (So inherent in their "Time for a Change" slogan.) It should actually read - "It's TIme for a Change for Change's sake!). So shallow and meaningless.

    Defenders of the Working Man - phooey!
    When they are so spitefully applying the so prevalent "ageism" stigma to Howard!!

    And what sort of example is this to bosses seeking to nudge out or "pension off" older staff?????
    For no good reason other than their "image" of being "old." People tend to want the younger, sexier look!

    Fair - you bet it's not!

    No - experienced, reliable, and loyal workers -they are capable - not too old at all - and may well want to continue working!!

    This turning back to the older employees slant is encouraged in America - in fact they are crying out for older workers to re-join the workforce because of their immense experience and reliability. And actively recruiting such workers!

    But in OZ - growing older seems to be some sort of crime!
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