@loric; the $For $Profit aged care sector is a federal...

  1. 46,764 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @loric; the $For $Profit aged care sector is a federal government responsibility - funding and accreditation / oversight is the domain of Morrison's Government and nothing to do with Victoria's Government..

    As of this evening's SBS News even a Liberal Minister has confessed that his government did nothing for six days after the first known infection in one of those $For $Profit aged care homes in Victoria.

    It's a tragic mess that eventually provoked Andrews into public dummy-spitting about just how awful the situations was even though the $For $Profit aged care sector is not his responsibility.

    Re your comment about who Police in other states are focussing on, have a look at what Berejiklian is using them for at the NSW-Vic border crossing - slaughtering the Albury-Wodonga community because as a Sydney-sider she's klooless and couldn't give a rat's rear end about places other than Sydney.
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