justis...That is a good point...If Gillard and her collection of...

  1. 17,307 Posts.

    That is a good point...

    If Gillard and her collection of economic and social socialist destroyers can continue to disrupt and destroy the remaining remnants of our economic and social infrastructure in the buildup to the election, they can certainly look at trying much the same election stategy that obama used to steal the recent US election...

    In the US, obama's economic destruction has resulted in some 47% or so of the US population being dependent on government handouts to one degree or another...

    Of course this massive group of people do not even listen to or care about Romney's call for tax cuts - this 47% sub-strata of the population dont pay tax...

    And this created 47% sub-strata of the population are very eeasily frightened by the idea that their governmemnt bribes and handouts might be scrutinized and they might even have to consider working for a living...

    This created welfare-depenedent lower 47% of the US population become core obama voters and supporters who are deaf to any talk of lower taxes, hard work to rebuild, restoring the US economy, etc, etc...
    And only respond to handouts and promises of more handouts...

    It does seem that Gillard will probably follow this strategy of economic destruction to expand and frighten our own welfare-dependent underclass as her voting block...

    Something else for the comrades to be proud of?

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