abbott on the slide

  1. 47,483 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Even older mainstream Australians are turning their back on Tony Abbott. According to this report in the AFR today:

    "The PM is enjoying a surge in popularity among older voters ..."

    ".. but Ms Gillard is on a steep upward trajectory while Mr Abbott is on a downward path. ..."

    "... Michael O’Neill, chief executive of over 50s lobby group National Seniors Australia, said key factors seemed to be Mr Abbott's scare campaign about the carbon tax and a perception that Ms Gillard had been treated disrespectfully. ..."

    According to this report the 2PP favours the Coalition 48:52, but the trend is up for Labor and down for the Abbott-led Coalition.

    The charts track voter preference by age group and make for very interesting analysis:
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