abbott on the slide, page-66

  1. 13,429 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 34
    The great Laurie Oakes? Really?
    So Laurie does your thinking for you?

    (Mate) again,you don't get it. I'm not defending Abbott.

    I don't care who he says it to. It's the most disgusting,appalling,unwarranted,unjustifiable "question" I've EVER heard put to any Australian politician EVER.

    It's indicative of the wierdness of our political scene that it's "OK to wrap that around Abott's legs because he's got muscles,he's fit and ergo,that probably means he's a bully,and even if he's not I'll pretend he is" yet nothing like that would be countenanced with any other pollie.

    In itself I don't particularly care (except for the insensitivity it shows to the defence force..that just doesn't seem to matter to the "fans" of the episode..?) but I'm sure that it's no way to lift the political outcomes for Australia.
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