abbott pandering to populism

  1. 47,569 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Yes, I know I've commented on Tony Abbott's populist approach before but on this occasion the comment has been attributed to that Liberal Party stalwart & rejected President; Peter Reith no less.

    As reported by Judith Ireland in the Age online [URL below]:

    "... A Coalition plan for more scrutiny of foreign ownership of Australian agriculture has been condemned by the government and former Howard government minister Peter Reith, who has accused Tony Abbott of pandering to populism. ..."

    But, hey! There's more.

    It seems that in Abbott's never-ending quest to get his satisfaction rating above 30% & that dissatisfaction rating below 60% he will promise almost anything; even if it adds to his $70b black hole.

    According to the report below from the ABC News online:

    "... Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says if he wins Government he will begin construction on a major Sydney road project within a year.
    Mr Abbott has already promised $1.5 billion to build the M4 East in the city's west if he is elected. ..."

    But ever the party pooper, Anthony Albanese wonders where Abbott will get the money to do so:

    "... "Tony Abbott has said he would get rid of the Minerals Resource Rent Tax. That means getting rid of the $6 billion regional infrastructure fund," he said.
    "[That means] less money for regional roads - it's as simple as that."
    Mr Albanese called on the Opposition to release detailed costings of its plans."
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