Suggest watching todays 3pm re-run of this morning's Channell 10...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Suggest watching todays 3pm re-run of this morning's Channell 10 Bolt Report episode, repeat to be screened this afternoon, (as it usually is - Sundays) on Channel 10, should be seriously considered (yes, even if missing today's sport) by each and every Aussie now becoming, daily, MORE sickened at this rampant ABC and Labor Party current campaign of constantly manufactured raging vile hatred - against the Right, and Tony Abbott, in particular!

    Trying to bring HIM down - and a respected ex-High Court Judge. And a Royal Commission. But I suggest you watch - for on the panel discussion was one Mr. Bruce Hawker - ex- head Labor Party organiser, mover and shaker, when Windsor and Oakeshott pretened to dither for weeks, knowing full well, allegedly, from day one - they each hated the Libs so much, they would of course install Gillard. A position HAwker would have wholly encouraged, he being Tony windsor's first cousin! Blood thicker than water!

    But put all that aside - this vicious plot of these Union puppets - to run this country at the behest of Union thugs and crooks - do their absolute bidding.

    Hear, on this show (you won't hear it anywhere else, I bet!) - how the Tony Windsor mentioned above - the bloke who foisted Gillard onto us - this hate filled first cousin of Hawker (who, incidentally, WAS given HIS say ON the Bolt panel this am, trying to wriggle his way (via the usual Labor shouting over everyone) out of some difficult areas of contention - yes. Tony Windsor, as I was saying - gave an interview to an ABC journalist - during which he made the disgusting, filthy claim that in his opinion "Abbott has a secret plan - paraphrasing - I tuned in late) - a plan in which he (abbott) is hoping to actually ENCOURAGE the success of some terrorist atrocity in Australia (actively HELP and CAUSE/make one happen, the inference alleged ) - to make HIMSELF and his Party's anti-terrosim stance look good and worthwhile. How low can they go - Windsor and Co?

    Now to my mind, not only should ABbott be suing the ABC for their defamatory and probably deliberate ongoing slandering of himself - he should also sue Tony Windsor, over this vile allegation/claim from this totally viciously biased Winsdor, a ball of hate and vindictiveness if ever there was one.

    I suggest to anyone of fair mind - whatver your general political sway - respectfully suggest WATCH this episode today. And realise the Machievellian viciousness of this "out to get Abbott at all and any cost - and bring down his Government" filthy hate push - and don't know who's pushing this line worse, the ABC or Labor's Union thug bosses.

    Not many people ever knew of this connection between this vilely entrenched Abbott hater, Tony Windsor, that HIS first cousin was, at the time he played cheap "let' ocik PM" pretend games (I allege) alongside Oakeshott, the head "directior" ot Labors particular campaihn - for THAT relative eleciton. Now there's a huge conflict of interest, if ever there was one!

    It is to the huge credit of Mr. Abbott that he takes all this filthy hate and ongoing putrid ersonal hate campaign of the Left on the chin - and remains cool and dignified and polite, throughout this vile orchestrated and traitorous campaign. Whatever the outcomes, he will forever come out of this with his reputation and personal character and dignity intact! He is showing colossal strength in the face of these pathetic but rpidly spreading evil lies.

    Will leave to to you to decide.

    Will we hand over the government of this country, totally, to these corrupt Unions, via the dangerously spiteful and hate-filled Shorten? Who sets himself up as their protector, I and millions allege.. We must ask - WHY?
    ABC radio and TV now running riot with blanket hatred - anonymous callers and Twittering viewers (who ARE they?) now it seems ruling Australia. deciding our political direction? Mark Scott should be sacked - AND immediately. Jon Faine and Fran Kelly too, delight in letting smearing anonymous text and phone comment through - all of it anti-Abbott. (ABC Radio). And don't get me started on their TV programs - there'd be no one left to run the cameras! If that hateful lot, deservedly, all got sacked. But the punch line is - we're all paying for this one-sided Leftist propaganda campaign. (Malcolm Turnbull seen later - after this obscene Tweet - having a jokey moment at some function with the now fast reviled Mark Scott. Turnbull has his own agenda, I allege. Where is HIS spine? HIS loyalty, to Party?
    No wonder the Left want HIM for the Right.

    Bolt Report. 3pm. Today. Sunday 30th August.

    Getting a gander at Hawker alone, will answer so many questions. (Bolt, politely NEVER mentions that Hawker is first cousin of Tony Windsor. SO this "man in the street" who "perceives" there may be "bias" hasn;t a clue about THIS close connection. Which gave us Gillard, again I allege.

    This show today. I allege, shows us the REAL state of play the Leftist media and anonymous hater throngs are trying to viciously hide - at present - in Aussie politics, devious traitorous lies now rule - are the norm. Can be summed up in 18 words - HATE SMEAR SLANDER PROTECT UNION CORRUPTION AT ALL COSTS KILL OFF ABBOTT FAIR MEANS OR FOUL WHO CARES
    Last edited by iron mike: 30/08/15
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