abbott squibs debate turnbull squibs challenge

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    The latest Nielsen poll has Labor and Rudd
    roaring ahead like a steam train. Yet Abbott
    won't debate Rudd. And Turnbull won't
    challenge stumbling Abbott even
    though the Libs keep dropping:

    Nielsen says Labor's primary vote has jumped
    by 10 per cent to 39 per cent, while Kevin Rudd
    leads Tony Abbott as preferred prime minister
    by 55% (Rudd) to 41% (Abbott) and the Coalition's
    primary vote was down three points to 44 per cent.

    With Abbott wimping out on debating Rudd and with
    Turnbull wimping out on challenging Abbott, all that
    Rudd has to do to win is don't die and wear a nice tie.
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